The opening scene from a narrative series i'm developing entitled, "The Violent Blue."
James (Jay) Cousteau Character Vignette - Protagonist of The Violent Blue
Jay dives into the violent blue to rescue his younger brother after their boat explodes. But even with the crack in his helmet constantly leaking in water, his emotion might get to to him before the water does.
James (Jay) Cousteau 5 point turnaround.
James (Jay) Cousteau Action Pose Sheet.
James (Jay) Cousteau character construction sheet.
Caen Character Vignette - Antagonist in The Violent Blue
Caen wants it all and he wants it now. But after losing all he had and hitting an all time low, he traded away his emotions to a mysterious creature. Now void of feeling, he's left to consume the emotions of others in order to feel anything at all. Emotion is most potent when willingly given, but Caen is to impatient for that and merely rips it straight from his victims bodies. At first you may feel sorry for him, but he won't feel anything at all.
Jens Cousteau Character Vignette - Deuteragonist in The Violent Blue
Entangled in the rope and anchor of a burning ship, Jens sank rapidly to the bottom of a crevasse his brother, father and he were about to explore. Now stranded on the ocean floor he must cope with what the violent blue may bring him and hope that his older brother reaches him before something else does.
King Jelly Character Vignette - Mentor in The Violent Blue
A kind and wise creature, King Jelly helps to mentor and urge Jay forward on his path after hitting one of his lowest points. Though he can't continue on with the oldest brother, he just might know who can.
James (Jay) Cousteau Maquette - Made with Super Sculpey
James (Jay) Cousteau Maquette Turnaround - Made with Super Sculpey
The Violent Blue

The Violent Blue

"The Violent Blue" is a narrative series in progress. It opens with a young aquanaut sinking into the depths of the ocean, helmet cracked, water Read More
